During the past year I wanted to start a new hobby that would also be creative. I have wanted to start wood working for a while but lacked the tools I would need to create anything. I began to research what I would need in terms of clamps, saws, glue and other tools in order to start my first project. I started with a pre-cut project cutting board that I found online. I made mistakes that I look back on now and cringe but I learned something in that process. I was terrified when I did my first glue up. The glue sets rather quickly so I had to move quickly. I waited the 24 hours for it to set, took it out of the clamps, and started to sand (I didn’t have a plainer at that time). I sanded my first board as close to level as I could. It wasn’t perfect but it led to this board I made for my friends which is one of my favorite things I have made. This cutting board is made with Purple Heart, Maple, Walnut and Zebra Wood. I routed the edges to take away the sharp edge and finished it with a mineral oil and cutting board wax. Graphic Design, Photography and Wood working all start with a basic idea and can end with something you are proud of and looks really good.